Spheres of a Genius. Honoring Leonard Bernstein

As an artist, Bernstein built bridges in Vienna, and in great cities everywhere. His intelligence, charm, wit, and unimpeachable musical instincts brought people together – musicians and music lovers alike. He mediated between different musical worlds - borrowing freely from contemporary styles like jazz, blues and popular music - then shaped a “classical” sound that became his signature.

Final Result

1st prize: Christoph Cech (A)
2nd prize: Florin Gorgos (RO)
3rd prizes: Gabriel Evens (USA), Adam Jones (USA), Dmytro Malyi (UKR)

Christoph Cech, Austrian composer and professor for jazz arrangement and composition at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz wins the international composition competition "Spheres of a Genius - Honoring Leonard Bernstein“.

Almost 100 applicants from numerous nations on different countries and continents applied. The extremely high quality of many submissions meant an intensive work and decision-making process for the jury members Marin Alsop, Christoph Becher, Bill Dobbins and Marcus Ratka. We congratulate you all the more on this outstanding success!

Links: https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20210802_OTS0002/christoph-cech-gewinnt-kompositionswettbewerb-von-jam-music-lab-und-orf-radio-symphonieorchester-wien

The Jury

  • Marin Alsop
    Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra (Vienna RSO)
  • Christoph Becher
    General Manager, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra
  • Bill Dobbins
    Jazzpianist, Composer, Professor of Jazz Studies and Contemporary Media at Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
  • Marcus Ratka
    Composer, Rector of JAM MUSIC LAB, Private University for Jazz and Popular Music, Vienna
As an artist, Bernstein built bridges in Vienna, and in great cities everywhere. His intelligence, charm, wit, and unimpeachable musical instincts brought people together – musicians and music lovers alike. He mediated between different musical worlds and shaped a “classical” sound that became his signature.
Marcus Ratka, Founder of the composers’ competition “Spheres of a Genius”